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國際網絡數學精英挑戰賽2023  比賽連結
International Network Mathematics Elite Challenge 2023
Competition Link

Competition Time

香港時間  2023年7月15日  上午10時
至   2023年7月16日   下午10時

Hong Kong Time  10:00am 15 JUL 2023 - 10:00pm 16 JUL 2023

賽事期間查詢: Whatsapp 852-63682178
(只限Whatsapp 查詢 及 只在賽事期間運作)



1. 請先細閱網頁內賽事規則及綜合比賽規則. 

   Please read the competition rules and comprehensive competition rules on the website first.

2. 賽事期間所有查詢均只接受賽事特設Whatsapp熱線訊息,日常查詢之Whatsapp頻道及電話查詢一律不獲處理. 

    All inquiries during the event will only accept the special Whatsapp hotline message for the event, and normal Whatsapp channel and telephone inquiries will not be processed.查詢-網絡數學挑戰賽

3. 為賽事公平起見,所有查詢一律只接受賽事程序問題、系統問題、題目出錯等查詢,關於題目演繹及解釋,與答案相開之查詢,一律不作回答.

    For the sake of fairness in the competition, all inquiries will only accept inquiries about competition procedures, system problems, and question errors. Inquiries about the answer or the explanation of the question will not be answered.

4. 賽事時間開始初段,可能有大量參賽者同時作賽,引起系統遲緩而不能輸入答案或提交,如遇情況,請稍候,情況並不影響賽事時間計算.

    At the beginning of the competition time, there may be a large number of participants working at the same time, causing the system to be slow and unable to input answers or submit. In case of circumstances, please wait, the situation does not affect the calculation of the competition time.

5. 賽事時間為香港時間2023年7月15日早上10時至2023年7月16日下午10時,參加者可於此期間內任何時間進入連結作賽

    The competition time is from 10 a.m. 15 JUL 2023 to 10 p.m. 16 JUL 2023 Hong Kong time. Participants can enter the competition link at any time during this period.

6. 所有組別建議作答時間為30分鐘,所有題目為4選1 選擇題. K1-K3組題目15題,P1-P3組題目20題,P4-P6組題目25題,F1-F3組題目30題.

    The recommended answer time for all groups is 30 minutes, and all questions are 4 out of 1 multiple choice questions. 15 questions in the K1-K3 group, 20 questions in the P1-P3 group, 25 questions in the P4-P6 group, and 30 questions in the F1-F3 group.

7. 進入賽事連結後先填寫個人資料,再進入答題階段,完成後提交. 最後提交時間以系統紀錄計算為香港時間下午10時40分.逾時提交一律不獲處理.

    After entering the competition link, fill in your personal information first, then enter the answering stage, and submit after completion. The final submission time is calculated as 10:40 pm Hong Kong time based on the system records. Late submissions will not be processed.

8. 大會職員將於賽事完結後發出參賽確認電郵予成功提交題目之參賽者,請留意郵件接收,並注意確認電郵有否被系統過濾為「垃圾郵件」.如提交申請後之電郵時段仍未收到確認電郵,則可能在填寫報名資料時出錯或未能成功提交答題,參加者可爭取時間重新提交. 並以電郵通知我們重新提交的時間.

    The competition staff will send out a confirmation email after the competition to all successfully completed competitors. Please pay attention to the email and check the confirmation email is filtered as "spam" by the system or not. If the confirmation email is not received around the email time after submitting the application, You may make a mistake when filling in the registration materials or fail to submit the answer successfully. Participants can resubmit. And email to us the resubmit time.

9. 如時間容許,歡迎參賽者挑戰不同組別賽事.

    If time permits, participants are welcome to challenge different competitions.


Competition link

賽事期間查詢: Whatsapp 852-63682178
(只限Whatsapp 查詢 及 只在賽事期間運作)

K1組 CAT: K1 (Pre-School 1)

K2組 CAT: K2 (Pre-School 2)

K3組 CAT: K3 (Pre-School 3)

小一組 CAT: P1 (Primary 1/ Year 1/ Grade 1)

小二組 CAT: P2 (Primary 2/ Year 2/ Grade 2)

小三組 CAT: P3 (Primary 3/ Year 3/ Grade 3)

小四組 CAT: P4 (Primary 4/ Year 4/ Grade 4)

小五組 CAT: P5 (Primary 5/ Year 5/ Grade 5)

小六組 CAT: P6 (Primary 6/ Year 6/ Grade 6)

中一組 CAT: F1 (Secondary 1/ Year 7/ Grade 7)

中二組 CAT: F2 (Secondary 2/ Year 8/ Grade 8)

中三組 CAT: F3 (Secondary 3/ Year 9/ Grade 9)

上‧文化  Superior Culture


訊息聯絡(Whatsapp/Signal):+852 63682178

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